Thumper Club Forum
Club House => Events/Meetings/Rideouts => Topic started by: Silverfox on April 24, 2023, 08:56:33 AM
Even though I haven't quite recovered from this weekends show I thought i'd get the message out there early.
Sooooo, once again who would like to show their bike at the October Classic mechanics show on 14th & 15th October? Free weekend pass to the show, free camping if required (toilets and showers are on site) Reasonable hospitality on the stand and much merriment and banter to be had.
The main rule is your bike has to be on the stand ideally from Friday afternoon/evening, at latest Saturday morning by 8:45.
The stand that we had this weekend would suit up to 10 bikes, so plenty of room. Let me know if your interested and i'll start to compile a list.
If you have any questions give me a shout.
Confirmed attendees
Steve F
Gary M
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Count me in
The list is growing... still plenty of room for more.
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Ian R
Steve L
To quote the great Victor Meldrew..... “I DOOOON’T BELIEVE IT”
The October show is the EXACT same weekend we set off to the land down under for 2 weeks.
I’m beginning to think there’s forces at work somewhere determined to stop me attending the Stafford show 🤔🤔
So ONCE AGAIN....Sadly I won’t be able to make it
Cheers.. Michael
To quote the great Victor Meldrew..... “I DOOOON’T BELIEVE IT”
The October show is the EXACT same weekend we set off to the land down under for 2 weeks.
I’m beginning to think there’s forces at work somewhere determined to stop me attending the Stafford show 🤔🤔
So ONCE AGAIN....Sadly I won’t be able to make it
Cheers.. Michael
We could see if Mortons would be wiling to change the date!!!!
Well if they are willing to bring it forward to the weekend before so I can still go away on my jollies, great, DEFO count me in. 😉😁
Cheers Michael the doubtful 🤔🤔
And another
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Ian R
Steve L
Steven V
Am I too late Gareth?
If not, please count me in. If I am, please can I go on a reserve list?
Thanks for organising this.
I still can’t believe Morton’s won’t bring it forward a week so I could attend 🤦???😢
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Ian R
Steve L
Steven V
Richard B
I can try and plead with them, but not holding my breath, there's always next year!
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Ian R
Steve L
Steven V
Richard B
The application form is now available to download, so just checking on who is still up the the show, last count we had
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Ian R
Steve L
Steven V
Richard B
Can you all confirm as soon as possible, we do have spaces available if anyone else is interested.
Ian 👍 🏍 or 🛵 hmmm🤔 (or both)
Yes please Gareth
Definitely confirm for me and my XBR please.
Thank you.
Ian 👍 🏍 or 🛵 hmmm🤔 (or both)
Thanks as always for your valued support.
Yes please Gareth
Definitely confirm for me and my XBR please.
Thank you.
Thanks Richard, very much appreciated.
yes, im deffo up for this, ive booked the friday off so i can get there early.
That's great, thanks John.
Another new location, slowly moving along the balcony!!!
Another new location, slowly moving along the balcony!!!
Looks like we are getting a smaller stand with possibly more bikes 🤔
Another new location, slowly moving along the balcony!!!
Looks like we are getting a smaller stand with possibly more bikes 🤔
No.... the first year I came down with my cafe racer we had stand number B107 or 108. They’re MuuuuuuCH smaller. Plus Shirley it’s the quality and NOT the quantity (ooo eerr more tea vicar)
Just wish I could make down 😢
Cheers Michael (the disappointed)
Another new location, slowly moving along the balcony!!!
Looks like we are getting a smaller stand with possibly more bikes 🤔
I told them how many bikes and that we'd like similar size to previous years, but this is all they can give us, im a bit disappointed with Mortons as the TC has been loyal to the show for many years! I dont think we have any other options other than to try a different hall next time if that what you guys would prefer..
Gareth is it too late to ask for a bigger (more area) stand or do we have to accept this. As you say, TC has been very loyal for a great number of years. Seems it's like most things, loyalty counts for sweet FA now 😡
oops .... i forgot to / didn't read / ignored / .... to confirm my attendance sorry!!
Is it actually much smaller in area? I haven't got a ruler to check. Do we know the actual dimensions? It just looks like it might be a bit more awkward. If it comes to it, I don't mind my bike not being on the stand (it isn't all that interesting ) though I do still want to come if possible please.
Thanks Gareth.
what's the situation regarding camping? .. or accommodation ? what is everyone doing ?
hi steve, we all tend to camp on site in a group, or sleep in the van as i do. we usually go down to the local pub on friday night for a meal and a beer, then sat night we get a taxi into stafford town centre and have a bit of a sally round the local pubs, stafford is actually a great night out!
hi steve, we all tend to camp on site in a group, or sleep in the van as i do. we usually go down to the local pub on friday night for a meal and a beer, then sat night we get a taxi into stafford town centre and have a bit of a sally round the local pubs, stafford is actually a great night out!
Now I’m even MORE gutted I can’t make it down 😢
Another new location, slowly moving along the balcony!!!
ok, my two pennorth, i see this as a bit of an upgrade, we arent tucked back away i a corner any more, but back on the front row facing the main hall again. this is a much better stand i think. if you think of the old stand with two rows of bikes and a walkway down the middle, nobody ever really came in, unless they were friends or members. this stand if enough for a row of bikes and EVERYBODY will be walking past cos we are on the front row. what we need are banners to hang behind the bikes and enough bikes to fill it up, but i wouldnt complain at all, when you look where we are against where we were, this is most certainly an improvement.
do we want to try a theme or something akin to what the old stands were? perhaps thumpers in age order, does anybody have an old flat tank bike? we could cover vintage, classic, japanese era and modern stuff lined in a chronological order? just an idea.......
I must confess I thought it a better spot in a lot of ways. As you say, the bikes will all be in a row for people to look at as they pass.
We've even got 3 phase!!! What can we bring to plug into that!
It's just not such a good spot to hide away if someone has had one or two too many on Saturday evening.
Gareth is it too late to ask for a bigger (more area) stand or do we have to accept this. As you say, TC has been very loyal for a great number of years. Seems it's like most things, loyalty counts for sweet FA now 😡
I did ask but this is all we can have. I sure it'll be fine.
thanks john, sounds like a plan to me ... now i just need to resurrect my tent/sleeping roll/tank bag/stove/etc etc ...
Thanks for all your hard work for us as usual. It'll be great.
Hi guys,
I have it that the names below are all confirmed to attend the sho.
Steve F
Gary M
John R
Mathew P
Ian R
Steven V
Richard B
Please can you message me the details of your bike/s that you be be displaying.. make, model, cc, year
Just as an aside to our "new" stand. I was talking to a couple of guys I know who are on the MZ stand (normally on the opposite balcony to where we usually go are). Apparently Morton's have ignored them this year and they don't have a stand. When they asked Mortons, they were told there isn't room . What?? ??. They have probably attended as long as TC. As I said earlier, loyalty counts for nothing nowadays. 😡😡
hi gareth, i will be there, bike will be a 1947 bsa m20
Gareth, i will be bringing (or it will be bringing me) my recently reclaimed #10 SRX4 1989 400cc
if #10 is unavailable for some reason i will be on trusty #1 SRX6 1986 630cc
Gareth, i will be bringing (or it will be bringing me) my recently reclaimed #10 SRX4 1989 400cc
if #10 is unavailable for some reason i will be on trusty #1 SRX6 1986 630cc
Thanks Steve
Received my ticket today. thanks Gareth.
plan A is on track, just need a gas tank for my stove, some compo rations, and my shiny new tent (on loan from grandaughter) oh, and my oil cooler which is away having some braided hoses fitted.
see you all soon
Tickets arrived safely today, Gareth. Thank you once again. See you all at the show those who are going.
PS. RM didn't ask for a signature....again 😡
The very nice postman very politely asked for a signature while insisting he wouldn't step inside out of the pouring rain because he would drip all over our floor. I only got a wet hand doing a completely unrecognisable scrawl, he was soaking wet.
No complaints from me.
Thanks again Gareth.
mine came too. thanks
good (wet) sunday morning to all.
as far as stafford is concerned i'm a virgin ;-). so i'll need a few instructions/advice please. i'm planning on arriving about 5pm on friday ... where do i head for? pitch tent? take bike once unloaded? and any other useful info
thanks in anticipation
Hi Steve, Entry is normally at Trade entrance just before the main entrance if you are coming in from Stafford. Show your voucher and it will get scanned and a beautiful wrist band will be handed over. They will guide you to where to go but if I know when you are coming I can meet you and help out. I suggest you then get your bike up the ramp to the balcony first then sort out your "accomodation" afterwards. Gareth will be on hand to guide you where to pitch your tent. Just be a bit careful coming up the ramp especially if it's a bit damp. Once on the balcony just keep pushing your bike to near the end and we will be there to welcome you on the left. I shall get there about 2ish but Gareth and Grahame usually beat me. Looking forward to seeing both you and your bike.Hope this helps. Ian 👍🏍?
cheers Ian!. to save you hanging about if you could drop me a line with a phone number it would be handy.
good (wet) sunday morning to all.
as far as stafford is concerned i'm a virgin ;-). so i'll need a few instructions/advice please. i'm planning on arriving about 5pm on friday ... where do i head for? pitch tent? take bike once unloaded? and any other useful info
thanks in anticipation
Ian has just about summed it up. It's up to you if you want to set up camp first then bring the bike up after that. We'll be on site from midday ish and will try and secure an area for camping near my van, were normally quite lucky and end up fairly close. I'll ping you mine and Graham's mobile numbers, reception on site is very patchy and poor so if you don't get any answers just keep ringing.
Look forward to catching up at the show.
Thanks Gareth. pretty much sorted this end now. just need to sort out using phone as a sat/nav
just need to sort out using phone as a sat/nav
You won’t need one Steve, the show ground is very easy to find. Enjoy the weekend one and all. As the yoofs now say I’m “well jel”
Cheers, Michael
You won’t need one Steve, the show ground is very easy to find.
OH! Not so sure about that Michael, I found Stafford to be a warren of industrial estates and MoD litter. On Friday's the whole place appears to be out to play dodgems, with worky vans careering to get home, schoolies dodging everything and being gormless on the phones, whilst frustrated drivers just barge and chance their arm at the numerous roundabouts! >:( Perhaps it's just me not being familiar with the argie bargie of "driving" darn sarf in conurbations.
Go early Steve, plan to arrive before 15:00, use the toll around Birmingham, unless some tw*t has turned into a car park and put a belisha beacon on top of your helmet! :o
And have a good weekend.
Good health, Bill
Thanks Michael & Bill
i'm keen to try my phone as a sat/nav. the only problem is, it's got a bit of a delay with the spoken wordy thingy, and looking at the screen is a bit of a no no when, as Bill says, i'm approaching the stafford area and looking out for all the loonies!. i'll aim to get there by 15.00hrs.
i'm sure it'll be huge fun
hope the weather is kind to us.
pip pip
You could always get somewhere near, then pull into the side of the road and simply wait for a passing vehicle towing a bike trailer. Then bob in behind it and follow it to the show ground 😁😉
Yes you’ll have great weekend. Enjoy 👍
like your thinking Michael ! .... a bonus would be if they had space for another bike on the trailer ;-)
Wrap up warm bor! That north wind doth blow! ;)
Safe riding, Bill
Just a quick one to wish all attending the Stafford show a great weekend. Hope the weather picks up for ya🤞
I’ll be thinking if you all as I land in (hopefully) a sunny Brisbane
Cheers, Michael
Or should that be G’day Sheila 😉
Arrived home safely and very dry at 5:45pm after yet another brilliant weekend at Stafford.
Many thanks yet again to Gareth and Graham for supplying food and drink for the weekend and organising tickets and more. We wouldn't be able to enjoy it without you.
Also lovely to meet and talk bikes and boIIox with
Gareth, Graham, Steve F, John R, Mathew P, Steve L. Trevor was a welcome visitor on Saturday and Richard paid us a flying visit on Sunday. Lovely to see you all.
Roll on April 2024??
Thanks once again
Ian 👍🏍?👍
PS The bikes were good too!
PPS. Apologies if there are Thumperteers who I haven't mentioned/didn't see or meet 😱
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