Thumper Club Forum

Technical => Project Progress => Topic started by: Ian on June 28, 2023, 08:40:05 PM

Title: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on June 28, 2023, 08:40:05 PM
As the title says....
 I have always found the riding position  on the SRX to be just a tad uncomfortable to travel anything more than about 20/25 miles. A victim of the ageing process. I do however enjoy the ride of the monoshock. I know lots are quite ok with clipons & rear sets or variations thereof. So I have decided to do a mini project which has been on my mind for quite some time. I managed to get hold of an XJ600N top and bottom yoke complete with headlamp bracket (which have been hidden away in one of those boxes in the garage) to enable me to replace the "handlebars" with conventional items. I know the purists will probably blow a fuse but hey ho.
Today I started to remove as few a  parts as I thought I would need to. Wrong! this is turning  into a major project already. Will keep you up to date.
Changes will include replacing the Speedo which has decided to overclock distances on the trip meter.
I travelled 25 miles on Tuesday but recorded 472 😂. Going electronic 😉 as a replacement. I'm quite excited by this but I'm sure it will bite me on the b*m at times.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: themoudie on June 29, 2023, 12:16:59 AM
Crack on Ian!

Monoshock passed MoT today! ;D

Good health, Bill
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Steve Lake on June 29, 2023, 06:17:57 AM
hmmm ... couple of things here ... 1. i could do with that speedo for my pushbike, it would save me lying to my mates in the cycling club about how many miles i put in each week in training.
2. i have been looking at these new fangled analogue/digital multifunction speedo's for a while ... the ones i've seen are £200 ish, just not sure how they'd work on the srx, so keep us posted on that one ian.
3. Ian, when did any srx project run to time & budget???   ;D

we need pics of this job please,

upwards and onwards ...
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: themoudie on June 29, 2023, 08:22:07 AM
Morning hooligans,

I purchased an earlier version of this 'Acewell' combination instrument for the Ducati 450 and after 9,000 miles plus it is still surviving my inept "gadget" use and the vibes of the engine.

I have found that I cannot get the 'RPM bar' function to stabalise, so fluctuating across the screen to twice the actual "RPM", inspite of wiring in the additional "wee thingy" supposed to "dampen" this down. It's electrickery and the nuts and bolts of it are not my forte!

However, the speedo, driven from a magnetic mounted on the hub and using a cabled pick-up and all the other functions have proved accurate and useful.

The owner (Apologies, as I have forgotten his name!) is very helpful and runs the Acewell business from home.

Link: Acewell_speedo/revcounter_website (

Good health, Bill
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: iansoady on June 29, 2023, 09:01:57 AM
As far as purists go I stopped listening to them decades ago. That speedo looks quite good Bill but I plan to fit a simple bicycle type one to my Tri_Greeves for a fiver or so in the fullness of time.....
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on June 29, 2023, 05:27:02 PM
Steve, if you find out about SRXs and budgets/timing then please let me know!

I have taken a few photos and will post as soon as I have shrunk them to insert on here.

Bits bought so far

LED replacement headlamp for original reflector (£13:81)
GPS Speedo/Tacho (£53:10) Taken a flyer on this one as I'm hoping I can get it to operate. I have read good things about this model so here's hoping.
Handlebar clamps with longish bolts (£10)
Renthal med lift handlebars (£52:95)
Clutch cable extension which includes an easy pull attachment.(£15:90)
Will add a few more bits as throttle cables and switch cables need extending

Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on June 30, 2023, 04:35:11 PM
As promised, few piccies. I find it difficult to post images now as I have to use my laptop to shrink the images from my phone. But anyway Photo 1 is front view of the Headlamp bracket off the XJ600N showing the ignition switch fitted centrally now. I will lower it on final assembly as it sticks up far too much. I have lost the steering lock now but they are useless anyway. Second pic is showing top view. 3rd and 4th are views of the new LED h/lamp fitted to the original headlight casing.
I have just taken the top yoke and headlamp bracket to local powder coaters this morning to get done in satin black to match the new handlebars. I received the handlebar clamps too late to take them as well but I will shotblast them at work and spray them with Simoniz "tough black". If they arent substantial enough I have made drawings to "upgrade" those as well at a later date
Im hoping to use the original speedo mount for the new GPS speedo, but no big deal if it doesnt fit. I will block off speedo and tacho drives on the front wheel and engine respectively. I was hoping to do all this and be able to retro fit everyone of the original parts, however Im going to have to extend the electrical cables permanently somehow.

PS Steve, consider yourself fortunate to have an English version of your wiring diagram. I was given one by Yamaha for the monoshock, BUT it's in Japanese!
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Steve Lake on June 30, 2023, 09:11:05 PM
Ian, would love to know details on the headlamp... looks cool, might go for that on #10 refurb.

the circuit diag is multi lingual, english/french/german ..  if you want a copy i can email it to you as 6 A4 pdf's. seems to work ok, Bill was happy with them, and Bill is sooo hard to please  ;D.

good luck with the build, by the looks of it you'll beat me, still not got my forks back from rechroming.

Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on June 30, 2023, 10:08:24 PM
Steve, link for the headlamp. I had to "modify" it slightly as my headlamp casing was opposite hand. This meant I had to remove one of the lugs to get it to fit. Yours may be different but I can refit the original if it's no good.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on July 15, 2023, 02:46:44 PM
Mini project closing in to an end. I'll put photos up when it's finished completely. I had to extend all the electrical cables, and replace the throttle cable too. I bought a "Venhill" kit for twin throttle cables but the push (B)cable fitting is too big (M12) against Yamaha's M10. I will hopefully manage to reduce this down at work but till then I'm using just the (A) pull cable. The choke cable is just about long enough by rerouting it slightly. I'm still waiting for a piece of 3mm Aluminium sheet to be delivered for the mounting plate for the GPS Speedo. LED headlight is flipping bright I can get my own back on some of the newer cars 😂😂. The clutch cable now fits with the easy pull attachment. Clutch operation now a one fingered affair. Pity it's such an ugly thing! Just wired up the GPS Speedo to a standard 6 wire connector so that will be a straightforward clip on/off if I ever need to retro fit original bits. The front brake pipe is just about long enough as well ....who said it was too long with the clip ons 😁.  I have also fitted adjustable fork top nuts but had to shorten the spacer tubes . This means new spacers if again I retro fit. I have made new bar ends in brass to complement the other yellowish/gold bits. They need modifying slightly as I made them a bit oversize on main diameter. These are located and clamped with expanding cones on inside of the new bars. A new adjustable flasher unit purchased so I can use LED Indicators, which worked first time. I said I will take photos once it's all complete (and working) I'm looking forward to a more comfortable ride now.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: themoudie on July 15, 2023, 04:10:30 PM
OOOO! You have been a busy person!  ;)

I am looking forward to seeing the updated images. Thank you for posting.

Good health, Bill
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on July 24, 2023, 10:27:51 PM
Bit of an update....just like any project nothing goes to plan. Got the GPS Speedo on which worked brilliantly, however the Tacho had a mind of its own. Showed Any engine speed it wanted. Bill seems to think it's the wrong Tacho for a single. Contacted the company and they are sending me a plain Speedo out. That has meant getting new separate Tacho (specifically for a 4stroke single with no FI)and LED lights for repeater/high beam idiot lights and  which in turn meant redesigning the plate for the Speedo/Tacho/idiot lights. That was done today. It's an odd shape but keeps the Tacho behind the fly screen. I didn't like the size of the LED indicators so I have bought LED bulbs for the original indicators. I did manage to do 29 miles and found it a lovely riding position for me anyway. I'm just waiting bits again but hope to get it finished by end of next week.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Steve Lake on July 25, 2023, 08:38:37 AM
sounding good Ian, shame about the digi tacho not working, but when did a project go smoothly?. 'waiting for parts' is the mantra for those who dare to venture off the straight and narrow  ;D
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on October 02, 2023, 03:59:46 PM
Alterations finished even if a couple of months behind 😂. I tried several clutch levers/perches but the one I have fitted now seems ok. It's off an XJ600 Diversion. Fitted without alteration. The rest is as you see it. BTW, I went back to using the original tachometer as I wasn't happy with what was available to me. Had to add a bracket etc etc.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on October 02, 2023, 04:00:41 PM
Couple more pics
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Moto63 on October 02, 2023, 04:30:21 PM
Looking good Ian. Having seen a few of your bikes over the years I wouldn’t have expected anything but top quality work. 😉👍
Cheers, Michael
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: themoudie on October 02, 2023, 07:37:38 PM
Aye Ian,

Thank you for the PM. Neat, but ....... no sure?

The SRX is looking very clean and tidy. Any chance of some side on views of the whole machine, please?

A word of warning, having fitted the same headlamp unit to the Duke 450 and wired the driving light ring to show white as yours is, it failed after less than 200 miles from fitting! However, the headlamp dip beam certainly gets attention when used as a running light. Main beam takes a bit of getting used to, as it doesn't appear to illuminate objects the same as an H4 bulb. If the objects have no reflective qualities, then it all appears to be an amorphous mass, consequently your depth of vision is reduced. The dip beam has a really sharp cut-off, which is good for not dazzling oncoming traffic and I had to raise the headlamp a touch, so as to maximise the beam penetration, but remain within the (MoT) limits.

I suspect as a by product of my not understanding electrickery and having the brake light wired to the front brake via a compression switch, the two side LED light up when braking!

Hope it generates some discussion at Stafford.

Out for a quick canter on the Mono this afternoon and still finding the wide profile tyres not as easy to ride through the corners as Sally twin shock's narrow profiles. Are you still finding the Dunlop radials are a good choice?

Good health, Bill
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on October 02, 2023, 08:38:02 PM
Michael, thank you for your comments, I do appreciate them 😊.
Bill, thanks also for your comments and I am very aware that it was a cheap item so I'm not really expecting a lot from it but I'll use it till it fails or otherwise 😉. However I have done nearly 500 miles since fitting so fingers crossed for now 🤞

I will take a couple of photos side on as soon as I get chance. Thank you for the interest. It was a big learning curve and a much bigger job than I ever envisaged. Very little of the original is left at the front but I have done the job so I can retro fit if required.

As for the twin to single carb modification, I really need to find out more as my fuelling knowledge is  probably not the most deep or thorough. I do like the compactness of the manifold from MikuniOz, but I will need a spare airbox to experiment I feel.
Thanks for everyone's feedback on this mini-turned-maxi project. I'm pleased with the result as I now look forward to going for a reasonably long canter without the aches and pains associated with clip ones.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Steve Lake on October 02, 2023, 08:41:14 PM
I too am using the self same headlamp on #10, my findings are much the same as Bill's. although my white 'side light' ring is still working ok. a lot of wiring changes to incorporate LED indicators ... the plus side being lots more room behind the headlamp assembly.
one thing i noticed this weekend ... the headlamp had turned about 20deg. there is now 2 foam wedges installed to (hopefully)prevent a repeat. stafford will be a good test, although i will arrive in daylight, the return home will be mainly by LED light.
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on October 02, 2023, 09:37:57 PM
PS Bill, I'm using Bridgestone S22 radials. I have just replaced the front very recently. I don't think I have reached their limit not that I would want to, but there are no chicken strips on the part worn rear!
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: themoudie on October 02, 2023, 09:58:11 PM
Aye Ian,
I don't think I have reached their limit not that I would want to, but there are no chicken strips on the part worn rear!
Hooligan!  ;D I'm just wondering if the more upright bars, with their extra width, make it easier to tip the machine through the corners than the narrower clip-on style?

The Bros will be requiring a new set of boots soon, so may fit a pair of those Dunlops to see if Kat gains some confidence over the Avon RoadRider MKII, but corner speed is not her forte, so may end up with the known quantity of the Avons.

Look forward to the side views, when you get the chance.

SteveL used a 40mm carb lifted straight from a Suzuki DR600 or DR650 on his two into one manifold, without any problems, I believe. See what he has to say at Stafford.

Good health and a good show, Bill
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Ian on October 03, 2023, 05:11:44 PM
Bill, as promised a couple of profile photos. Hope they are what you were looking for? Just got back after a 50 mile canter on the bike 😄
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Moto63 on October 03, 2023, 05:51:52 PM
Absolutely corking looking mosheen Ian. 👍👍
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: themoudie on October 03, 2023, 10:03:10 PM
Aye Ian,

Thank you for posting the two images, they are just what I was looking for. Certainly a smart looking bit of kit.

Safe journey up to Stafford, good health, Bill
Title: Re: Not so much a project....more a few alterations
Post by: Steve Lake on October 04, 2023, 10:22:40 AM
SteveL used a 40mm carb lifted straight from a Suzuki DR600 or DR650 on his two into one manifold, without any problems, I believe. See what he has to say at Stafford.

actually a 40mm Dellorto on a hand made manifold ... and yes, a lot of 'niggles' and 'bodges' to get it working well, which it did for 5 years before i came across a pair of 33mm dellorto's for a tenner on fleabay ....