Thumper Club Forum
Technical => Bike Problems/Questions => Topic started by: beezabaker on January 28, 2024, 04:08:54 PM
Hi, I'm getting an intermitant vibration sizzling type noise while riding seems from the engine area comes in and out hard to make it do it delibratly. Does the spag clutch make this noise if worn.
There are far more knowlegable blokes on here than me, especially with XBRs and they will be along I'm sure.
I seem to think sprag clutches bang only when operating the starter, at least mine did on the XBR I had. My guess would be you have a bracket or something vibrating against something else like the tank. Look for a loose fitting under the tank and make sure nothing is touching that shouldn't be,
Welcome to Thumper Club by the way.
I had a sort of sizzling vibration noise from my old CM250 Rebel. It drove me nuts - I had a mechanics stethoscope on every part of the engine but couldn't reproduce it as it only happened when moving. Turned out to be the headlight bezel...
Probably not much help but on my CB250 RS the speedo and tacho heads can develop a vibration which can sound like an engine fault.
I have owned a few XBR500s but the RS250 is the only bike I can recall owning that has done this.
Ever so slightly off topic but my brand new triumph 900 speed triple developed a slight buzzy, rattle. Turned out to be a loose headlight that “they’d not quite torqued up properly” during it PDI 🤦???
But yes, having owned a few XBR’s over the years, I too have never suffered anything that resembles what you describe Stuart. Most likely be something not related to the engine.
Sorry I can’t be of any more help 🤷???
Cheers Michael
Ps... welcome to the Thumper Club 👍
Check that all the engine mounting bolts are tight especially the bolts from the cam cover to the frame, that bolt came loose on my bike once and caused a rattly buzzing kind of feel