Thumper Club Forum
Technical => Project Progress => Topic started by: andy230 on September 12, 2006, 08:45:17 AM
... is now stripped and certified ok! Hurrah!!
To Do:
New valve (tried to strighten it; didn't run) :-)
Old ones lapped lightly
New oil seals, head gasket, probably bolts
Build it up, and push it down the hill!
Will let you know...
Best of luck matey.
Check brakes at top of hill not part way down or bottom...
Was riding Triton once - along the flat in a straight line, fiddling with the front brake - cos it felt weird - stopped feeling weird when it locked up and off I went down the road on me bum. Poor old dear passing - probably just about getting over the heart attack from the popping and banging on the over run - thought I was badly hurt - I was writhing and could nto speak... Nah laughing my wotsits off. Mind lucky there was no traffic about - it was usually a busy road.
So best of luck with the big bangs.