Thumper Club Forum
Technical => Project Progress => Topic started by: crackedhead on June 21, 2009, 09:24:36 AM
It's been long enough (according to SWMBO) since XBR #2 and the old VFR750 moved from the garage, so this weekend will be decision time ... which ever one doesn't fire up, will be put on ebay ...... or sent to the scrappies :'(
The XBR has at least been run about a year ago, so it shouldn't be too much hassle, once I've put the wheels, exhausts, battery back on. The VFR is another matter, not having been run for about two years. Having read the horror stories about petrol going off and gumming up the carbs (in the MZ posts), I don't hold out much hope for it. Time will tell.
Anyway, the battery is on charge (for the VFR), so we'll see what happens. Off to the garage now, to search for exhaust gaskets / collars and the likes....
The XBR has at least been run about a year ago, so it shouldn't be too much hassle, once I've put the wheels, exhausts, battery back on. The VFR is another matter, not having been run for about two years. Having read the horror stories about petrol going off and gumming up the carbs (in the MZ posts), I don't hold out much hope for it. Time will tell.
I left my Deauville unused for about 6-years and it started ok and ran fine with a new battery fitted. Took a couple of tankfuls for the carburation to get back to normal but I was surprised how little hassle it was.
My CBR was left for a year or two unused and it was even less trouble - it started first prod of the button when a new battery was fitted and ran perfectly. Fuel injection is a wonderful thing...
Even my two-stroke Gas-Gas Pampera started ok, although it needed a good few kicks and a plug clean first.
The XBR has at least been run about a year ago, so it shouldn't be too much hassle,
You may already know this, but XBR's that have stood for a while have a habit of loosing compression. I don't know if it's a sticky valve, but if you try and turn them over there is nothing there - this has caused much panicing and engine stripping in the past by folks! If this has happened to your's just keep turning it/ kicking it over and eventually compression will return and it will run as normal. ;D
Good point, well made.
Also, and sorry if this is a sucking eggs point, fresh petrol gives you a much better chance of getting it started. Once it's running, use the old petrol again (preferably mixed with new). There's no need ot waste it ;)
On the VFR I would be tempted to try something like injector cleaner in with some fresh petrol.The carbs are a pig to remove/refit.
Many thanks for the replies. After a long day in the garage, both bikes have started up. To my surprise it was the VFR that was the easiest, despite having stood for ages with old petrol in the tank. I added some fresh petrol to what was already there .. and it fired up after about 20 prods of the starter ... first firing on two cylinders ... then three for a few seconds, before the fourth sprang into life. Settled down to a nice tickover as well.
XBR # 2 was a bit more troublesome, as the only working battery was in the VFR >:(. After several dozen kicks that too fired-up. Doubt if SWMBO will be quite so amused ;D ;D.
Meanwhile it's back to the garage to put my 'forgotten' XBR purchases (from many years ago) in a safe place ... things like a brand new (unused) front mudguard in Maroon, old forks, exhaust, Tank, wiring loom .. etc. The garage is beginning to look like GC's .. ::)
Also in the find of things in the dark corner of the garage was an old B&O music system. So the neighbours are now being treated to my old Vinyl Collection blasting out from the garage.. happy days ;D ;D
So the neighbours are now being treated to my old Vinyl Collection
Don't mention vinyl when Andy M ( is around... or was that nylon? either way, you're probably fine if you keep them dry :D :D
B&O? you posh bugger. Nice kit.
Meanwhile it's back to the garage to put my 'forgotten' XBR purchases (from many years ago) in a safe place ... things like a brand new (unused) front mudguard in Maroon, old forks, exhaust, Tank, wiring loom .. etc.
Excellent - I'll know where to rob if I need any bits for my bike. The tank isn't in maroon as well by any chance...?
Vinyl in the garage!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o
Shuffles off to have a cry - bet it is good stuff to.. boooo hoooo...
Store Vinyl in the garage - NO WAY. It's kept in the house beside the Rega Planar 3 (for 45's) and the Linn Sondek LP12 for the 33 1/3 stuff. Sadly I've nothing to play the old 78's on :'(
No you know why I drive about on 20 year old rat motorbikes ... can't afford anything else >:( Record collection comes first .... even before the bikes and (dare I say it) SWMBO :o
Go to go and change that LP over ...... ;D ;D
Store Vinyl in the garage - NO WAY. It's kept in the house beside the Rega Planar 3 (for 45's) and the Linn Sondek LP12 for the 33 1/3 stuff. Sadly I've nothing to play the old 78's on :'(
I also have an LP12 for 33 1/3 stuff but currently nothing for 45's or 78's.
Use a Garrard SP25 MKIII for all! Used on a Sony base. Also my Mothers wind up, with doors for volume control and carbon needles with sharpener for that sound quality! 8)
Also my Mothers wind up
"Bill's Clockwork Mother" wasn't that the opening track on 'Freak Out' by The Mothers of Invention? ;D