Thumper Club Forum

Technical => Project Progress => Topic started by: guest24 on July 25, 2006, 08:30:59 AM

Title: SR400E tale of woe- update
Post by: guest24 on July 25, 2006, 08:30:59 AM
Managed to find a couple of hours Sunday evening to put the carbs back together for my SRX. It looks like the slow running jet was the cause of the breakdown as it was blocked. All I need to do now is bung the carbs back on the bike, add petrol, and ignite the blue touch paper and stand well back!

The bizarre thing about the jet was I unblocked it more than once on Sunday! I may have been going mad but it gave the appearance of a lump of something inside the jet that could move around. I broke the cardinal rule and used a 'hair' from a wire brush to clear the muck. Time will tell....
Title: Re: SR400E tale of woe- update
Post by: guest27 on July 25, 2006, 07:33:49 PM
" I broke the cardinal rule and used a 'hair' from a wire brush to clear the muck. "
I have not met too many cardinals, or vicars nor bishops on a motorcycle, I guess a hair from a wire brush is OK for the non-ordained?
Title: Re: SR400E tale of woe- update
Post by: peterj on August 16, 2006, 03:45:48 PM
I had a Fiat 500 car for a while that used to play up regularly. Eventually (months of aggro) tracked down the problem to a fleck of paint that was floating around in the emulsion tube of the main jet. When you pulled out the jet and looked at it, the fleck would stick to the side so the jet looked clear, when you put it back in, it would presumably float around and periodically float over the main jet hole.