Thumper Club Forum

Technical => Project Progress => Topic started by: Crowman on January 31, 2013, 11:12:43 AM

Title: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: Crowman on January 31, 2013, 11:12:43 AM
After spending ages looking for a good runner for not silly money, I've ended up buying a non-runner project to do up, an '86 Japanese import.  It's mostly complete, but missing exhaust (the downpipes are there though), header clamps and studs, battery, 1/2 of the choke cable  and a few tatty bits need replacing (the rear disc looks pretty worn for instance and one tappet cover has been mangled), it also needs a respray. I've been shopping for parts and have been reasonably succesful, but so far have drawn a blank on header clamps, silencer (I don't fancy the Predator system much), and rearsets.  So any tips would be gratefully received.  I'll update on progress in due course, wish me luck!
Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: johnr on February 01, 2013, 09:02:19 AM
lol, i hadnt realised that the sweary mary on this forum wont let you say rearsets because it contains the word arse!!!!!!  priceless
Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: johnr on February 01, 2013, 09:04:02 AM
unless you know th way round the sweary monitor, and then you can cuss away till the mods come and kick your arse!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: Steve Lake on February 01, 2013, 10:00:36 PM
We probably have loads of members in scunthorpe... but thay never get their posts on board!!  ;D
Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: Crowman on May 15, 2013, 06:25:01 PM
 Got some Tarozzi's now 'all' I've got to do is nock up some mounts for them, looks like I'll need to hack off the brake pivot first.

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Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: Steve Lake on May 15, 2013, 09:45:08 PM
I made up some mounts that span the original brake pivot ( thus keeping it intact should you wish to go back to standard gear)

they're in 3/8 ally plate.... if you like i'll whip 'em off and draw round them... take a few piccies... a day with hacksaw and file should do it.

Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: Crowman on May 16, 2013, 10:18:47 AM
Thanks Steve, that would be a big help, if it's not too much hassle.
Title: Re: Aquired an SRX 600 Project
Post by: Steve Lake on May 17, 2013, 06:09:19 AM
cant promise when.... next couple of days hopefully, got a lot on at the moment...