I won a Koso D65 digital speedo which came off an NX650 and had been connected up for indicators, main beam and neutral warning lights only. When I tested it off the bike, the neutral light wouldn't come on and read 4.6v even when not connected to power!? The other warning lights came on as they should and read 0.0v when not connected.
I message the seller, suggesting there's an internal fault, who says it was working perfectly when it came off the NX and best of luck as electrics are not his strong point.
So I open a dispute to return it, saying that if it was working his end and not when it got to me, then it must have been damaged in transit which is his responsibility.
Seller messsges back to say that transit wouldn't affect a speedo designed for a bumpy ride and as I'm fitting it to a completely different bike with a different loom, that may "throw up some issues". He also wants to know how I tested it, despite not being interested in my offer to show this earlier...
Having solely connected up the same 4 warning lights as off the NX650 (leaving the oil and fuel wires that NX650 man had cut back) the XBR must have the same wiring in this respect, no?