Aye Ian,
Thas a lot a squit to a bor from Lynn and High Norfolk. They have webbed feet an' walk funny dana Carra Ruhd!
I don't understand that sign, as I am a man from Kings Lynn and High Norfolk (200' above sea level, around Docking, also known as Dry Docking for the depth of the village well to reach the water table in the chalk aquifer below). They have webbed feet and walk in a peculiar way down the Carrow Road (Norwich City football ground). All reference to the City of Norwich being on the edge of the Fens and a wet place.
Gettin' sluiced up hare t'night an oim on the hill in mornin diggin hooles!
It is raining hard up here tonight and I have a job on the hill in the morning digging holes.
Does that help?
Good health, Bill