Author Topic: Outfit final(-ish) fettle  (Read 2269 times)

Richard 003

  • Posts: 257
Outfit final(-ish) fettle
« on: July 17, 2006, 10:00:45 PM »
Fiddled with the lean-out this evening. The new fork springs had resulted in the initial lean-out becoming lean-in, but now it's right, and tracks splendidly. I'm not pulling to the left all the time, and it's a damn sight easier to turn right ;-) Lovely stuff.

Richard 003

  • Posts: 257
Re: Outfit final(-ish) fettle
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 08:07:14 AM »
Fiddled with the lean-out this evening. The new fork springs had resulted in the initial lean-out becoming lean-in, but now it's right, and tracks splendidly. I'm not pulling to the left all the time, and it's a damn sight easier to turn right ;-) Lovely stuff.

Still tweaking ;-) I concluded that the thing was just about perfectly set up for riding on the flat, but as I spend most of my time on a left-hand camber, it needed more lean-out. So yesterday I wound the lower mounts in by about 1/8 in. A brief test ride suggested an improvement (and then I persuaded Jane that I needed to test it with a passenger, and finally persauded her into the chair, hurrah!). This morning's run into work suggests that it needs a little more still, but it's better. Interesting that the whole thing feels more composed as I (hopefully) get closer to the elusive sweet spot - the chair going up and down on its suspension over bumps and potholes seems to disconcert the steering less. Although I do have fractionally more wobble than I did before - I've been told that this is likely, the closer the steering is brought to neutral. I guess then I might have to start fiddling with the toe-in, what does the 3-wheeled team think?


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Re: Outfit final(-ish) fettle
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 07:24:38 AM »
Get it as close as you can and then leave it alone for a while. If it is steering easily, tracks well without excessive left pull and is enjoyable to ride then you're most of the way there, especially as you are still using teles.

Sounds like a good rig to me.

Richard 003

  • Posts: 257
Re: Outfit final(-ish) fettle
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2006, 08:03:13 AM »
Get it as close as you can and then leave it alone for a while. If it is steering easily, tracks well without excessive left pull and is enjoyable to ride then you're most of the way there, especially as you are still using teles.

Sounds like a good rig to me.

It is, and I give full credit to the friend that built it. You'll have to have a go on it some time. Stafford maybe ;-)