Author Topic: Electrickery problem...  (Read 1885 times)


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Electrickery problem...
« on: July 31, 2006, 11:53:02 AM »
Hello All,
Those who know me will confirm that while I know my way around a toolbox electrickery is my own personal blind spot...
So it was a pain this morning when I pushed the button and the electric pixies who turn the engine over for me wouldn't do it, just managed to click the solenoid in fact :(
Well I took the battery out and fed the pixies that live there (or "charged it" to use the tech term I believe) and refitted. I checked it was charging (no problems there) and that the regulator is regulating (also good) and then put an ammeter in line and checked for current leakage, nothing showed.
Allowing that I know sod all about electrics, am I likely to be correct in my assumption that the battery is goosed? Or are the pixies just teasing me and are there other checks I should be doing?
Smudge :?


  • Posts: 1322
Re: Electrickery problem...
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 03:20:58 PM »
Could be a duff battery...  Try jumping it off another vehicle to confirm.  If it works, then your battery is gubbed.

The skorpion did this.  Bumping was a sweaty (but eventually successful) process.  However, it gave a bit of forewarning by cranking slower. 

Translation:  "Am am going to fail you.  Most likely when you are in a hurry, in leather on a hot day at the bottom of a hill.  Change the battery"

I charged it, and it was fine for a while, but on a cold monday, having sat all weekend, it chuckled to itself, having checked my diary, and saw its keeper had a meeting with his gaffer at 9-30....

Also I'd check the starter earth strap.  And yes, there is something to be said for kickstarts!  The DR battery is totally shot, I mean completely.  But the engine still runs (even if the tacho is going wild!) when you kick it.

Cheers for now mate.  Good luck! 



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Re: Electrickery problem...
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2006, 04:00:06 PM »
Your a bugger! I've posted that magazine to you yesterday and in another issue I've got lying around is a 4 page article on exactly this problem with indepth instructions on what to do :-( It's far too complicated to go through over the forum and I could never fully explain in written form, the diagrams showing all the check points. If you need it I'll post it, but your account is upto 1 pint AND a pack of crisps now ;-) You could give me a phone and I could try to explain, but it's a bit of a proceedure to eliminate differing elements from earth faults, bad batteries (might run lights, but need BIG amps to spin a single), solinoids to starter motor bushes.

Let me know what you want me to do matey.
Live long, live well, live happy


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Re: Electrickery problem...
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 07:24:36 PM »
Thanks Pat, got the mag... although you forgot to put any stamps on it you bu66er! :o
MZ appears to be playing again (he whispers whilst crossing fingers and touching wood).
ps. the elecktrickery pixies are still taking the p**s out of me though... see my next thread about an "interesting" problem trying to fix swmbo's torch!


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  • Posts: 1654
Re: Electrickery problem...
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 05:54:05 AM »
Oops Sorry matey, not intentional, just trying to get the mag away whilst doing 20 other things involving wife & kids & general confusion.
Live long, live well, live happy


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Re: Electrickery problem...
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2006, 09:26:45 AM »
NP Mate, had a chance for a quick glance last night... the single looks interesting but the A65 based ISDT copy looks Looooovely!!
Now that needs a pillion seat and *loads* of use ;) I could be *really* tempted by one of these!