Run jointly by the MZ Club, Jawa/CZ Club, Cossack Club, and only held every four years. I managed to sqeeze in one night, even though it wasn't exactly on my way to our rally in north wales, as it was nearly in Norfolk! As you can imagine, there was plenty of interesting stuff to look at, with Urals and Dneprs in abundance.
The bottom pic is of an IZH 350 Planeta3, brought by two Lithuanian brothers from their dads shed in Lithuania. IZH made rugged, go anywhere bikes, all 350 two strokes, either Planeta singles, or Jupiter twins. they have a reversible transfer port cover, one way for torque, for sidecar work, and pulling a plough maybe, the other way up for speed.
Also thanks to Mark, Mick, and Gary for keeping me well fed.
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