Author Topic: Thumper Events  (Read 392 times)


  • Posts: 2920
Thumper Events
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:30:18 PM »
There is no such thing as an official Thumper Club event. We seem to have a format of an annual rally, and the Shepherds Rest do in NI each year. Plus, maybe Stafford in October, and Llanthony Priory in November, and Dragon in February.These are all great craic, but i am very aware that a lot of people can't make the journey, or don't want to camp, which is fair enough. I think we definitely need to have a do in the South East, or East Anglia, but also, anyone can organise a meet up. We are spread all over the UK and Ireland, but there is no reason why people  can't arrange a meet in their area on this site. It could simply be going for a cup of tea at an already established bike meet, or place of interest. In the words of the early Tornado pilots, use the KISS theory, (Keep It Simple Stupid), and not much can go wrong.