Hi all, especially those of you who understand the lekky pixies
I have an oldish digital camera (a Minolta DiMage 7 Hi if you wondered) and it eats batteries. Now it is possible to plug a 6v powersupply into it if you are using it to feed the puter etc.
My understanding is that if I give it a DC supply of 6v or there abouts and the supply does not supply enough amps, the supply will suffer and the camera will not work. Is there an issue of supplying 6v with the potential of too many amps?
I have a couple of 6v power supplies and am happy to plug them into the camera to see if they are man enough, but not if it will damage the camera. Simulaly if I pick up a 6v gel battery from Maplin, will the potentail 5.5Ah damage the camera or will it just draw what it needs.
Final thought if not a gel battery can i use a set of 'jump' leads from a NiCad / NiMh charger to a stack D cells or the like to charge them, and then use this - like the gel - as an external and 'portable' power source?
Simple questions and I think I know the answers, but I do not want to make a mess of a pretty good camera.