Digging found's for new path/slabs to rear of house on Saturday, watched a bit of rugby, firewooding, then shopping in Tesc*'s at the back of 22:00hrs. Much cheapness and no squalling brats with bloated 'carers'!
Today, I've finished off the found's, large bonfire of cuttings from the 'Kilmarnock' willow, stove lit in the garage and the fruit of my labours is on site, in Techy Help?
forum. Assistance welcome!
Next doors stray black cat, 'Darky' in PC circles, or 'The Black Mechanic' in neighbourly terms, has a penchant for assisting in workshops when rebuilding motorcycles, Landies or Fergies, had a sore leg yesterday. Pleased to say appears to be healing and the Collared doves were given a chasing today from the solitary hens feeding trough!
The 'The Black Mechanic' sleeps in a nest box next to the last hen and has been known to incubate an egg!
002, NO!
Kat out for a spin on the Boy Bros, and Jim of BMW R80RT monolever with 178,000+ miles on the clock came round for a tea and blether with pictures from his recent paragliding some with motor 'back pack'!
Boy Bros running well. Rest of the fleet either in bits, being fixed, or recalcitrant, brats!
Watched Baldrick digging holes in the Fens, bit more bikes, then battered the 7 bells out of the keyboard.
Away to sheet alley with cocoa, book on 'Topography' (2sides max!
) and
Keep boppin', Bill.