Author Topic: Swinton Insurance!  (Read 1413 times)


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Swinton Insurance!
« on: November 09, 2010, 03:05:31 PM »
I have had quite a few bikes insured through Swinton over the past couple of years. Mainly as it meant I just paid one direct debit every month on the same date.
I added a small bike a few weeks ago, 110cc but they gave me 3rd Party only at over £190-00!  I got rid of the bike a few days ago and, although I had only been insured for it for less than 2 months, I got their "Cancellation Charges" of £50-00 just to stop the policy!  It would have been better and  cheaper to just let it carry on but, apparently, it is Illegal to have the insurance for a bike you don't have access to as it makes the new owners insurance Invalid or summat like that!
I insured a new bike today and guess who I DID NOT USE?

Swin, goodam,ton insurance >:(


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Re: Swinton Insurance!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 12:41:06 PM »
Apparently 2 insurances on one vehicle is "fraud" no matter whom is "at fault"


1 Speed400 1 C400X -2 thumpers plus one!


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Re: Swinton Insurance!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 09:35:06 PM »
Cancelled it today!  The swine ain't getting my business as other policys run out!
Just sorted a new policy out with Bikesure that gave me the same as Swinton for about £150-00 lower premium for a year!

I remember back in the "Good Old Days (tm)" when I paid £16-00 for a third party, fire and theft policy for up to 349cc. Rider Policy, any bike you were on up to the stated engine size maximum.

Andy M

  • Posts: 1709
Re: Swinton Insurance!
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 06:34:31 AM »
Their new business discount is about 45%, never renew with this lot without checking elsewhere.

Bennets are worse on the charges: £30 to cancel and then 6 months to get proof of no claims and a receipt for payment.
