Author Topic: "AMAL a comprehensive look" vintagebikemagazine article  (Read 870 times)


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"AMAL a comprehensive look" vintagebikemagazine article
« on: March 06, 2021, 11:30:14 AM »
I was pointed to this article by a friend and mentor, if you are having problems with carburation might I suggest that you have a quiet read. The basic principles apply to all carbs, but the specifics are for AMAL's.

"AMAL a comprehensive look" vintagebikemagazine article

Good health, Bill


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Re: "AMAL a comprehensive look" vintagebikemagazine article
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2021, 12:24:15 PM »
Many thanks Bill, a good guide (although it should really be entitled "Amal Concentrics" as there's not that much on monoblocs and pre-monoblocs.

I always see people suggesting starting tuning with the main jet - in fact that's what Amal recommend. As correctly said, this only affects wide open throttle so I prefer to start with a main jet I know is big enough (or even too big) and get all the other bits right before touching it. In my own case I rarely use WOT anyway.....

I've found that the slide cutaway is crucial in getting clean transition from idle to 1/4 or even 1/2 throttle which is where you tend to spend a lot of time. Unfortunately, slides are among the most expensive bits to swap although some people have had success by removing material from the flat face (reducing cutaway) or from the angle (increasing it).
1964 Norton Electra
1969 BSA-Suzuki
1992 Yamaha SRV250


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Re: "AMAL a comprehensive look" vintagebikemagazine article
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2021, 01:47:12 PM »
A very good article and great tips on proper carb tuning. I have found a good page on the advanced tuning of these carbs, its an informative read....


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Re: "AMAL a comprehensive look" vintagebikemagazine article
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2021, 11:22:45 PM »
Aye Joolz, thanks for posting, but turning up your own needles and needle jets is getting a bit anal for me! I have enough problems at present trying to get an AMAL MKII 2932 to actually stay on the 450's cylinder head,  :o :o :o :o let alone run for 1,200 miles!  :(

Good health, Bill