I went out for a ride today on my 42year old Ducati with my dear friend of the same vintage,he was on a 21reg Triumph.
We paid a visit to Moto Corsa in Dorset.
This was a real eye opener! Compsite engine casings,fly by wire throttle control,cruise control.Most of the bikes looked like horizontal christmas trees on wheels.A posers delight and in some cases £30k if you got it to spare.
Not sure if Im part of this any more.A subject that comes up often,while we have a coffee,does anyone, born since my Ducati was made have a clue about their motorcycles or are they just toys?My friend told me his son in laws have not a clue what engines they have in their cars,let alone how to change the oil.
My friend asked his daughter about some technical thing on his computer,and was told he was useless! He replied ,when was the last time you did a complete engine rebuild,built a shed ,made a pergola ?
Should I be worried,or quietly ride my bike,and get on the internet ,if I need a part to replace.
As we left Moto Corsa,we looked around around the bike park,besides the 5 inch rear tyres and other willy compensators,we viewed a CCM Spitfire,the frame is a work of art,or a plumbers nightmare.
regards a dinosaur