Author Topic: International Classic Motorcycle Show, 23-24 April 2022 Stafford show ground  (Read 3472 times)


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Thanks Michael! Thoughtfully, even the government seem to want to celebrate my 60th as I understand they will be sending me a game of Pooh Sticks! I can't think of any better way to celebrate being 60 than doing a bowel cancer screening test!  ::)

Hope you have a good 59th and enjoy your last year as a young tearaway!
2023 Royal Enfield Meteor 350
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I can't think of any better way to celebrate being 60 than doing a bowel cancer screening test!  ::)

I genuinely have my fingers crossed for you Pete, my mother got bowel cancer when she was 31yrs old. I was ten at the time (1973) so i really do hope that all your tests come back with the results you want 🤞🤞🤞🤞
Cheers, Michael


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I can't think of any better way to celebrate being 60 than doing a bowel cancer screening test!  ::)

I genuinely have my fingers crossed for you Pete, my mother got bowel cancer when she was 31yrs old. I was ten at the time (1973) so i really do hope that all your tests come back with the results you want 🤞🤞🤞🤞
Cheers, Michael

Thanks Michael, but nothing to worry about - they send everybody a screening kit when they're 60. It'd be stupid not to do it though - apparently some people don't bother doing it which is crazy  :o
2023 Royal Enfield Meteor 350
2021 Honda CB125F


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Ahh, I see. Well that’s kind of good news
I can't think of any better way to celebrate being 60 than doing a bowel cancer screening test!  ::)

apparently some people don't bother doing it which is crazy  :o
Ahh. I see, well that’s kind of good news I suppose. Yes crazy not to do it, prevention is better than a cure. Enjoy that 60th 👍👍


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I've just had mine done-all good thankfully-would recommend everyone to do this and PSA blood test for prostate cancer .


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PSA is notorious for false positives......
1964 Norton Electra
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PSA can definitely give false positives, but that's better than false negatives! I think they know how to interpret PSA results fairly well these days, and generally speaking they aren't too worried about the actual figures, as long as they aren't astronomically high, rather the trend over several months. My PSA was monitored for about 9 months or so and kept rising, which is why they investigated further and found cancer.

It's an imperfect test, but I'd still recommend anybody over the age of 50 to get it done regularly.
2023 Royal Enfield Meteor 350
2021 Honda CB125F


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Yes I know PSA levels are not necessarily always an  accurate indicator  but are still best monitored-better than doing nothing............