As I've probably related before, I used to commute to work by bicycle. I got knocked of at least once a year, and in the winter my bike carried 7 lights and I wore a high viz waist coat containing 26 flashing leds. I was knocked of several times riding down the road looking like an Xmas tree on wheels and STILL had drivers say to me 'sorry mate I didn't see you'

. You think you're immortal in your 20's and 30's but by the time I got into my 50's I began to think I was riding my luck, literally! I switched to commuting by motorbike and still got knocked of twice in 2 years, despite taking the same sort of visibility precautions. I took the train to work for the last 2 or 3 years.
I can remember back in the 70's when there was an argument about riding with your headlight on in the day. A guy wrote into Bike magazine stating he drive a bright orange volvo 40 to artic for a living which had the headlights permanently on, and people still pulled out on him!
As I said above, most car drivers can't be bothered to look properly and are more concerned about what's for tea tonight, whether they're going to get a shag when they get home, the chances of Villa winning tonight etc. than they are about your life.