Author Topic: Q plate ?  (Read 4211 times)

J Hop

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Q plate ?
« on: August 29, 2006, 10:03:14 PM »

My project is moving along, putting Yam Thump Unit in Honda frame. Should be ready for registration late in the year, and here is my question....

Will I definately have a Q plate ? (not too fussed but would rather not) or is there a way I can get age related plate for either the frame or the engine ?

Any advice gladly received.


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 07:03:21 AM »
The ministry have a very informative web site that can tell you all you need to know, but basically main elements of a bike count as 'points' and you need so many points to keep your reg plate. the big parts are frame or engine, but others are (I think) suspension, wheels & brakes. If its only an engine change I think your OK. Of course if lots of bits are being changed the secret is to do one at a time and notify at each alteration, that way the next change only appears to be 1 change from the already stated spec :-)

Can't remember the web address sorry, but I found it with google and a little imagination. Best of luck.
Live long, live well, live happy


  • Posts: 921
Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 06:06:31 PM »
Pat is correct. Have a Q plater myself and looked into all the details via MOT web site (again can't remember). Mine was Q plated as it was "constructed from un-identified parts" (and a stolen recovered to boot!) so if you are only changing the engine, and you have all the details relating to it, there shouldn't be a problem (maybe).

Good Luck


J Hop

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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 07:31:35 PM »
Thanks for the replies, the frame,forks(front wheel+brakes),rearwheel, engine are all from different bikes, so I know I should really get a "Q". But I've registered an imported bike before and the inspector  didnt really seem to know anything about bikes and spent less than 2 mins looking at it, (think they use the same ones who inspect cars) so I was wondering if I should try and blag it?

I mean do you tell your insurance about every non-standard part fitted to your bike ? (of course you do wink-wink)

mini-thumper did you have any trouble getting insurance for your Q-plater ?


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 11:18:55 PM »
Never had probs with the Triton (insurance) - which by definition is all non-std parts and when I started the TZRotax spoke to my insurers (Carol Nash) who seemed not botherd at all by a Rotax lump in a TZ chassis - apparently it is expected on bikers to mess about - they would need to see a cert that the thing was road legal and safe.  Mind being as I have not finished the TZRotax it could be a different story when it comes to the event.



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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2006, 07:00:57 AM »
Only grief I ever had with insurance was when I changed a dual seat to a single one. Company who covered the bike at the time (carol nash I think?) refused to continue cover :-0 Apparently it indicated racing intent. Pity they didn't look closer at the form and discover I was trying to insure a GN400!
Live long, live well, live happy


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2006, 08:11:16 PM »
Had no problem insuring my Q plater with Carole Nash. As said above I think its almost expected that bikes will be buggered about with.

Good Luck



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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2006, 10:11:21 PM »
Only grief I ever had with insurance was when I changed a dual seat to a single one. Company who covered the bike at the time (carol nash I think?) refused to continue cover :-0 Apparently it indicated racing intent. Pity they didn't look closer at the form and discover I was trying to insure a GN400!

Why tell them you changed the seat ?
Does this mean my Enfield with single seat,new wheels,exhaust,crank,piston etc..etc...
is uninsurable ?
Martini-Greener GP
Lee Enfield


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2006, 11:38:49 PM »

(as you very well know! lol)


Why tell them you changed the seat ?
Does this mean my Enfield with single seat,new wheels,exhaust,crank,piston etc..etc...
is uninsurable ?

interested party

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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2006, 10:46:42 AM »
Hello mate

I'm not going to go into any non-dodgy (!) specials I may or may not own, but in my limited experience the DVLA are utterly useless, so if I were you I'd first off just register it as the original Honda, back on the road after a break.  ie, state the honda engine number on the document.  This would get it into the system without too much fuss.  If they wanted to inspect it, tell them its not finished yet.  I'd also do all this by written correspondance, seems to get a better result than the "Computer Says No" folk on the phone.  And Emails are too easy to lose/ track/ discard.  Keep photocopies of all letters.

Do this soon, as it may take a while, and also the following would take a while....

When you get the original V5 reissued (as a V5C i think), then a week or so later, send it back for an engine number change, probably with a covering letter stating a yamaha engine has been put in (you've just decided on it...).  on the form, just put the Yam engine number in the frame, I don't reckon you'd need to state "yamaha motor".  This makes it easier for them, and they'll probably discard the covering letter and hopefully just put it thru the system.  I'd keep a photocopy of this (dated) letter, so that if any trouble arises in the future ("You didn't tell us X ot Y...") you can wave your letter under their nose.

I know the forks are changed, but the theoretical bike you're building so far only has an engine change...

Then, the next week, you theoretically change the front end and wheel.  There's no provision to state this on the V5 document....

next, tell them about a colour change if you want.

All of the above would be to try to avoid the inspector coming round!!  Of course if they want an inspection, you'll have to be a bit clever, but if it looks ok, then will he be so much of an expert to notice a non-standard fork?  Mine have never been inspected, so can't offer too much advice there...  So yes, I'd try to blag it!

Re insurance, my model is a "special" on the document, I told them about non-standard parts etc.

However, I advocate none of the above and all of this is only for theoretical discussion!!!  Can anyone add to this?  Or is this *REALLY* bad advice?!  Not had to deal with this kind of thing since the advent of the mass computerisation of the system.  Maybe when you go for MOT it wouldn't be on the system???  Dunno  MAybe as its been out the system for so long when they scan the barcode it will need a manual input of data anyway??

best of luck, hope to see it!

other interested party!

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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2006, 12:07:54 PM »
Yup, DVLA are not as thourough as they like to think they are.
Next time you see a Land Rover "Special", you know the sort of thing, battered body, long travel coil spring suspension, stupidly aggressive tyres, have a look at the number plate. I'd say about fifty percent have been... erm... modified from an older type honest mate (eg what looks like a V8 90 with trick everything is on paper a series 2 with an engine swap!)
Or have a look on eblag for a vehicle type and V5... it's amazing what a number plate/chassis plate and a random bit of vehicle (for restoration you see) can cost when it's pre '72... and therefore tax exempt ;)

There was also the case reported a few years back where a motoring journo spotted a late model 350YPVS with an *old* no plate on it. Phoned the Police on his mobile and said "it's been nicked and ringed, there is no way the plate fits with the bike, I'm behind him now, come and get an easy arrest", only to be told by the met operator, "sorry we have no units available and that type of crime is not a high priority just now. I'll take your details and we'll contact you in a couple of days".

Sigh, if only I'd chosen to be a criminal, I'd be so much wealthier now!


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2006, 01:09:53 PM »
Well I'm not going to hide behind a 'guest' address, I am perfectly happy for the DVLA to chat to me about the issues surrounding the modification of vehicles.

In a world of ringed cars, bizarre land rovers registrations (see previous post), small numberplates, loud exhausts on hatchbacks, stupidly mixed up heaps that call themselves 'customs' and the like, who can get all het up about a fork swap, or saddle change?

Frankly, if law-abiding citizens who are still happy to tax, MOT and insure their vehicles can't make some changes to their vehicles without having to notify all and sundry then what's it all coming to? If the vehicle is fundamentally similar to how it started off and it can pass an MOT then why worry?

they should start with choppers that only have (for instance) the headstock remaining from the original machine or cars with insane engine swaps or any number of other bloody dodgy vehicles before picking on people who fit better brakes to their bike, or forks off a later model.

If you make mods to your vehicle that an un-informed inspector or policeman might take to be standard then f*** it, don't tell anyone. That's what I think. If the bike is sensibly modified and the job is done well then who will know? Do you reckon an insurance inspector sees anything these days other than trashed sprtsbikes and stolen/recovered scooters?

Makes me pig sick this nanny state. Can't enforce legislation properly so they bring in regs that beat us all with the naughty stick.

J Hop

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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2006, 05:47:47 PM »
Hello mate

I'm not going to go into any non-dodgy (!) specials I may or may not own, but in my limited experience the DVLA are utterly useless, so if I were you I'd first off just register it as the original Honda, back on the road after a break.  ie, state the honda engine number on the document.  This would get it into the system without too much fuss.  If they wanted to inspect it, tell them its not finished yet.  I'd also do all this by written correspondance, seems to get a better result than the "Computer Says No" folk on the phone.  And Emails are too easy to lose/ track/ discard.  Keep photocopies of all letters.

Do this soon, as it may take a while, and also the following would take a while....

When you get the original V5 reissued (as a V5C i think), then a week or so later, send it back for an engine number change, probably with a covering letter stating a yamaha engine has been put in (you've just decided on it...).  on the form, just put the Yam engine number in the frame, I don't reckon you'd need to state "yamaha motor".  This makes it easier for them, and they'll probably discard the covering letter and hopefully just put it thru the system.  I'd keep a photocopy of this (dated) letter, so that if any trouble arises in the future ("You didn't tell us X ot Y...") you can wave your letter under their nose.

I know the forks are changed, but the theoretical bike you're building so far only has an engine change...

Then, the next week, you theoretically change the front end and wheel.  There's no provision to state this on the V5 document....

next, tell them about a colour change if you want.

All of the above would be to try to avoid the inspector coming round!!  Of course if they want an inspection, you'll have to be a bit clever, but if it looks ok, then will he be so much of an expert to notice a non-standard fork?  Mine have never been inspected, so can't offer too much advice there...  So yes, I'd try to blag it!

Re insurance, my model is a "special" on the document, I told them about non-standard parts etc.

However, I advocate none of the above and all of this is only for theoretical discussion!!!  Can anyone add to this?  Or is this *REALLY* bad advice?!  Not had to deal with this kind of thing since the advent of the mass computerisation of the system.  Maybe when you go for MOT it wouldn't be on the system???  Dunno  MAybe as its been out the system for so long when they scan the barcode it will need a manual input of data anyway??

best of luck, hope to see it!

Nice One ! Now thats what I'm talking about ;-)

I know it will be roadworthy, but just wondered how I could explain it saying Honda on the V5 but have Yamaha cast into each side of the engine.

There's a pic of it in the project bit of the photo section (I double posted it by accident........Doh). But it has different rear wheel fitted now.

It is a Honda 400 Bros frame/Srx 600 engine/Vfr800 rear wheel/Yzf R6 Front end.

All bits were waited for until I could snipe a  cheap one on Ebay.(apart from the engine+and I already owned the Bros.)

I'm currently making an exhaust system to link a White Brothers XR400 supertrapp style end can to the bike.(ebay again)


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2006, 11:24:44 PM »
Aye Jhop,

I've the ingredients for one of these myself but haven't gone there. May I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing more pics of the beasty. I just don't fancy doing a maintanence job on the spark plug!!

As for mods, well every one to their own and I hope yours are sucessful.

All the best, Bill


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Re: Q plate ?
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2006, 05:10:13 PM »
Only grief I ever had with insurance was when I changed a dual seat to a single one. Company who covered the bike at the time (carol nash I think?) refused to continue cover :-0 Apparently it indicated racing intent. Pity they didn't look closer at the form and discover I was trying to insure a GN400!

Why tell them you changed the seat ?
Does this mean my Enfield with single seat,new wheels,exhaust,crank,piston etc..etc...
is uninsurable ?

Basically, It appeared as a question on the renewal form so I told them. My view was if they asked I'd tell, if they don't, I won't. To lie though was never an option. The fate police would have me crash the next day and have the insurance man rip my cover up before me as I festered in my hospital bed.
I told them all the mods done, but they only seemed to care about the single seat??? May I say though, I ended up insuring with bennetts, who couldn't give a monkeys.
Live long, live well, live happy