Well the TZRotax is in bits waiting degreasing, some fettling and then weldin - so will be in bits for - ummmm 20 years.
Some bod I met at Pemery came past yesterday and borrowed a load of stuff from me - 2 fairings, a seat and an ally tank, so he can make molds from them. So if anyone is in athe market for a Peel Mountain Mile fairing, a (possibly) TD250 yam fairing - but having got it home he is not so sure now, is bigger than the TD he already has - a nice 70/80'seat or a GRP tank, wait a couple of weeks and go to Ragged Edge Racing.
Spare TZR frame is now a ceiling ornament in the 'shed'
OiF frame has been moved indoors - worse for wear, what was a good rear mudguard is now a rusty lacework, but frame looks fine, will need sand blasted - so having done that GC will you come back and finish the work you started, it was only March you went... complaining about the OiF being in the garden
CG is not running (booooo)
Oh whilst Spike was here he spotted a set of calipers in the 'shed'. I had bought them about 20 years ago for a tenner from Kenny Iron's wife after he had died (mutual friend was selling a load of his racing kit for her and they were all I could afford. He picked them up and declared "Spondon callipers - wow - there are a set on Ebay at the moment". Confirming that they were indeed Spondon.
Looked on Ebay - the ones on sale had been finished early, but another set sold a few weeks back for over £300 - bleeding eck!!!
So some progress.