Author Topic: Skorpion tinkering  (Read 886 times)


  • Posts: 1322
Skorpion tinkering
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:02:05 PM »
The skorp side cover has wept since I grated it down the road over 2 years ago.

Now that the season is over, and idle hands do the devil's work, I thought I'd address this problem, probably with a bit of chemical metal from the inside of the cover...

So start by draining the very black oil.  And Oh!  Its got a starter, best take that off.  And the fuel pump, which steffan assures me is not necessary.  That goes in my box of bits...

But removal of the starter end-cap, means that the starter comes apart.  Hmmmm... looks complicated!

Then the Starter gear cover.  And the starter gear.  The small pile of bits is mounting up.

Then the cover itself, and the bolts, poked thru the new, waiting gasket.

Ping!  Tinkle!!  Some specific looking shims come from somewhere and land on the garage floor.  Also a funny looking tabbed washer, of the same i.d.  I'll find out what they are later.  I think they're from the starter.

Actually, it appears that the starter doesn't need to be taken off, so I build it back onto the cover.

Clatter!  A few times the starter gear mechanism clatters to the floor, getting covered in grit in the process.  It'll be fine...

I cant get the alternator stator off, so it looks like any repair will be from the outside (and a bit of a bodge, much like the rest of this has become)

So at the close of play, the bikes in bits, there are a few bits to work out where to go, and the cover is upended, full of oil, to see where its seeping out the graze.

Perfect..... And I'm going to see the new race motor tomorrow.  Such good preparation Mr Duncan!  You foolishness knows no bounds!

Signing off, and having a beer



  • Guest
Re: Skorpion tinkering
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 11:34:58 PM »
Starter - what is wrong with run and bump.... You racers used to do it all the time



  • Posts: 1322
Re: Skorpion tinkering
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2007, 12:04:41 AM »
Couldn't find any weep- oil must need to be hot & thin...

So I put it all bacck together.  Worked out where the shims and funny washer went... RTFM

(read the f... manual)

will slather some chemical metal on the outside and hope for the best!
