In answer to a request posted on the SidecarsUK mailing list, I have been offered a Squire Trademans box for my work sidecar outfit.
It needs work, but I haven't seen it yet. I will report back tomorrow night for a debrief.
I gave up on the idea of building up a new glassfibre chair body on time grounds. This should be a quicker and easier way to get the outfit looking presentable.
Stage two will involve dragging a spare chassis down to my friendly fabricator to get it cut and welded to suit. Then I will have a frame added to each end to act as a sort of roof rack for timber, ladders, etc.
Here's a bike with a box added:
Some of you may also have seen Richard and Mopsa English's round-the-world triumph with Squire box (with bullet hole) in the National Motorcyle museum.
As an aside, I recently read their book 'Full Circle' and I thought I'd goggle them to see what they were up to. Guess what site listed them? Bloody Burkes Peerage! It turns out she is the daughter of a Lord (and granddaughter of Captain Scott's widow Kathleen) and he is the son of a Major. Her sister, Louisa Young, used to write for Bike magazine and she certainly didn't let on that her full title was Hon. Lousia Young!
Funny old world eh?