Boyd said............
Just a quick reminder that we are NOT having our usual BBQ + bunfight but we will have some hot food so remember your eating 'irons', plate and cup. I am assuming that SteveD is bringing the marquee and hopefully his sizable collection of folding chairs (Can you confirm Steve?)
I can confirm that I will be there with the marquee and the chairs tables etc, I will also be bringing my Jiko, If anyone else has one that would be great (I will bring some breeze blocks again to support them off the grass)
I will bring along a big sack of charcoal sufficient for all of us.
From the Annual Rally there is sufficient tea, coffee and disposible plates atc for everyone, therefore I would suggest that just bring along your own mug as I will also arrange for a twin burner gas stove plus KETTLES to make hot drinks.
I'll make sure that we have sufficient milk as well.
I will have the generator and lighting as per Annual.
I will also have pots and pans for all to use for cooking or a barbie as well as sauces, this should make it easier for those coming on a bike to travel lighter.
WE will be arranging some form of Chili or similar for the Friday evening, again for convenience. If anyone has a flask that would be great as I can make sure that we can boil up some water and send it up to the stand or make coffee / tea as req'd.
For the Saturday evening it would be good to have a good old fashioned barbie, possibly find a volunteer to go to the shops mid-afternoon to get some fresh food etc, any ideas or thoughts / comments to add please get back so that alterations can be implemented.
Cheers SteveD