Perhaps the guest would care to ask me my objection at the dragon. All I have said is if it is a combo on the shirt then I am not interested. I have not expressed an judgement about combinations apart from a playful mis-quotation of George Orwell - a reference predicably lost on the certain individuals. In point of fact, I do not have loads of T-shirts with bikes on, solo or otherwise. In the interest of good humour I am not going to be drawn on why one might feel a compulsion to own "loads" of T-shirts with bikes on, simply because one uses a motorcycle for transport and what that might or might not say about their sense of identity and or their self esteem. Nor am I going to be similarly drawn on why people put so much store by collecting rally badges and what that might say about them. It occurs to me as someone who is a catagory 'a' driver ie: couldn't drive one and shit himself (all on the one day) that some idividuals who through some faculity are able to drive combinations ultimately choose to do so because they lack the nerve to ride a solo in conditions more suited to falling off than not. I make no judgement either way.