Many thanks for the replies. After a long day in the garage, both bikes have started up. To my surprise it was the VFR that was the easiest, despite having stood for ages with old petrol in the tank. I added some fresh petrol to what was already there .. and it fired up after about 20 prods of the starter ... first firing on two cylinders ... then three for a few seconds, before the fourth sprang into life. Settled down to a nice tickover as well.
XBR # 2 was a bit more troublesome, as the only working battery was in the VFR

. After several dozen kicks that too fired-up. Doubt if SWMBO will be quite so amused

Meanwhile it's back to the garage to put my 'forgotten' XBR purchases (from many years ago) in a safe place ... things like a brand new (unused) front mudguard in Maroon, old forks, exhaust, Tank, wiring loom .. etc. The garage is beginning to look like GC's ..
Also in the find of things in the dark corner of the garage was an old B&O music system. So the neighbours are now being treated to my old Vinyl Collection blasting out from the garage.. happy days