Author Topic: Happy birthday to me :-)  (Read 619 times)


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Happy birthday to me :-)
« on: November 09, 2006, 12:17:15 PM »
Well it was yesterday actually, but I was sulking about getting older (now 42) :-( Woke up this morning to realise I'm exactly the same as when I was 41 and felt much better :-)

Anywho, going paint balling on saturday with a gang of mates as way of a joint celebration of a few close together birthdays. Anyone got any tactical tips??? I've asked about a tank, but they're not allowed :-(

Cheers from an older but strangely no wiser, Pat.
Live long, live well, live happy


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Re: Happy birthday to me :-)
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 08:15:24 PM »
Congratulations! Mine is on Saturday but I'm still a mere slip of a youth ;-))

Tactical tips eh? Hmmm Well, here goes (this is from ex paintball referee / team player btw)

1. NEVER NEVER go one on one if it can be avoided. ALWAYS try to catch opposition players on their own and in isolated cover with at least two of you.

2. Be accurate, it's easy to be distracted and exited but make your shots aimed shots.

3. Talk to your team, no more, I mean lots(!) If you see an opposition player (and you're not in ambush) then shout to your teammates and tell tehm where he is. Keep telling them and persecute the guy till you get him... but do it *FAST*

4. Don't exploit weak points in the middle of their line, you don't want shot at from two sides (trust me on that one!). Try to break their line at the edge of the area and flank them.

5. Following on from that, whenever you do find an opposing player then work round so one person is shooting at them (and keeping their head down) while the other moves into a good shooting position, but be ready to swap over roles and if need be swap back at any time (eg for reload)

6. Use the ground, if there is a ditch/hollow parralel with the line of conflict then use it to move around and confuse the opposition, if you become static you become a target...

7. NEVER NEVER take cover then poke your head up in the same place... the routine on being fired at (if you are going to cover) is "dash, down, cover, move, observe" ie dash to cover and throw yourself at it, make sure you *are* in cover, move to a slightly different position *then* look up to see where they are...

8. Did I mention work with your mates? Communication is VITAL and if you communicate and the other team don't then you will win. It's common for some pro teams to shout "Splash one" "Splash two" etc whenever they knock out a member of the opposition, that way if you are competing in seven man teams and you hear "splash six" you *know* the guy you've just spotted is on his own and therefore a couple of you should be able to knock him out without any nasty surprises ;-)

Is that enough to think about? ;-)))


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Re: Happy birthday to me :-)
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2006, 10:45:55 PM »
42 - you old bugger... ooops I was 45 a few days back... have a good un

Paint ball - suggestions - wear the protective clothing they sting like !!!!!!!! when they hit.  We played at an Army range in Northants once (it is now a housing estate.. or is that the barracks) and they used paint ball to practice with - and had guns that fired real quick with really big magazines.  I do not know if these are common place - I think they were banned (legally banned not rules banned) - but if you can get one of those you have an advantage - they were great fun.  Mind if you have limited balls.

Final suggestion - forget you are 42, remember you are 12.

Have some fun for me.



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Re: Happy birthday to me :-)
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2006, 11:14:49 PM »
42 and some sod's gonna paint your balls. BASTARD!

Why not go down the pub and drown your sorrows like the rest of us.



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Re: Happy birthday to me :-)
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2006, 11:23:04 PM »
42 - again ?

Re: paint ball
You could hide till everyone else has been shoot .
Or go to B&Q and buy half a dozen 500ml cans to use as grenades !

Make like a squirrel ,protect you nuts !

Happy Birthday