If you up for going West from site, I can also recommend Dalveen Pass (Elvanfoot to Thornhill) or Mennock Pass (next rd North, running E-W ish, thru Wanlockhead). Thornhill has lovely Italian cafe you can park outside on pavement.
Most roads near site are good.
There is a bizarre Buddhist Cafe at Samye Ling, near Eskdalemuir, possibly one of the most surreal places you will find. Drive past giant gold statues etc in middle of nowhere. Cool about bikers (think Borders IAM Bike Group have it on their cafe list)
But I have to say that the chosen Talla road to Tweedsmuir is STUNNING, one of best views in Scotland!!
(Be careful, there has been at least one bike accident on it from folk going fast and not expecting vans etc.)
And after getting all excited about this weekend, I just looked at 'the calendar' (a simple device to prevent divorce!!) and see I'm going to Strontian that weekend. Bugger and double bugger.
Have a lovely weekend folks!