Author Topic: Yam SR125 Electrics  (Read 518 times)


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Yam SR125 Electrics
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:21:43 PM »
Long story short - daughter-in-law picked up a stolen/recovered SR125 (1991? J plate) today and lobbed it in my shed for fettling.  Seized front brake, no keys, smashed back light and the usual lost lever knobs seems to be the extent of the problems, so nothing too major, probably 50-100 beer vouchers for bits.  Anyway, hooked up a new battery, shorted out the ignition switch (2 wires, not exactly Krypton Factor) ..... no lights, nuffink!  Bother!

Anyone got a wiring diagram for these things?  Random prodding with a multimeter can be fun, but it's usually easier if you've got a map.

Also any known problems/hints/tricks would be appreciated.

Now all I've got to do is get SWMBO on some form of thumper and we'll have the full set!


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Re: Yam SR125 Electrics
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 11:08:06 PM »
Evening Pete,

Visit Dundee Library and see if they either have or can get hold of the Haynes manual for the XT125/SR125/SR125, 1982 - 2003, Book No: 1021, ISBN: 9781844257669.

Alternative is to go and see the bike training people, Scotriders,7, Loftus Road, Dundee, DD3 9TE as they use an SR 125. Tel: 01382 832829 Mob:07939 309733

Another place is to go and have a word with Mike Skinner, 18, Smeaton Road, West Gourdie Industrial Estate, Dundee, DD2 4UT. Tel: 01382 611500. Was good when working for Duffus in Perth.

Finally, I know this isn't what you are after, but it may help in some way, link below.

Yamaha SR 125 Owners Manual

My regards, Bill.


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Re: Yam SR125 Electrics
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 12:34:39 AM »
HI, where abouts are you???


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Re: Yam SR125 Electrics
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 07:58:45 AM »

Thanks for the owners handbook, got a few pointers from that already (oil drain bolt location etc.). 

Scotriders - Doh!  Hadn't even thought of talking to Allan & Heather, despite being a regular on the Dundee Bikers Forum - the sight of Hunty (6ft 2 and a bit, normally rides a Triumph Rocket III) riding the school SR round this year's Big Bike Ride was ..... interesting.  You might want to update your contact details with them since they've moved down to Dock Street: 74 East Dock Street,Dundee, DD1 3LH.

Mike Skinner - Aye, he knows his stuff alright, although I tend to deal with Gordon over at Murrays (10% discount for DBF-ers, woohoo!) - or for those unobtainium bits Old Man Harty has a veritable Aladdin's Cave round the back of his shop.

Haynes Book of Random Numbers - there's a few on evilBay just now - one at £2.99 ending Sunday night, time to hone my sniping skills methinks.

Chris - I'm in Kirriemuir, in the wilds of Angus, just at the edge of where the roads stop and the hills & heather take over.

To finish - a few pics of the wee beauty that will be occupying my shed time for a while:

Thanks all.