If you like the look of this...
Then you may be interested in a Scottish tour on a summers weekend next year.
I'm looking into the prospect but if I'm going to do it then I need to pick a date *soon* otherwise it won't happen...
I was thinking of around this time of year, over a long weekend (I'll try to put a proposed weekends dates up tomorrow sometime) with everyone meeting somewhere borders/centralish on the Friday night, riding North on the Saturday before camping somewhere remote then West and South in a loop before camping / dispersing on the Sunday night.
The idea is maximum quality Thumper time for the minimum holiday taken!
Hopefully I'll have a rough loop described soon but my thoughts include Spittal of Glenshee, Spean Bridge and Glencoe... so we're talking about some world class roads :-))
Oh and someone has already mentioned the words "Distillery Tour" lol
Whatchya think then chaps and chapessess?