"...Incidental ownership of a thumper motorcycle is beneficial for this club"
But far from compulsory!
Good job too, they'd need to get some sort of electronic tumbleweed set up to roll across the forum if we started with your actual air cooled, over 125cc, single cylinder motorcycle.
I've stopped worry about why people buy things as presents. I think we've all got so much stuff its impossible to work out what will actually be good, so, wanting to get them something you just have to plonk for something thats a bit of a treat. I'm guessing the shortbread sender just ran out of ideas. This year I'm the proud recipient of a subscription to RIDE magazine, which is a definate step up from the Harley mug of 4-5 years back. We should run a book on how long it is before this has me back in the rants section thought, 4 way 600 supersports test in Barcelona article anyone
So, is the offending shortbread going spare?