Sorry for the lack of posts recently - we are extremely busy at the moment, work has been getting done but just not had a minute to post.Had a change of plan with this one as i will be using the gs1000 parts between a couple of gs850g that i have picked up so off i went into my parts area (i used to have a breakers & kept a lot of goodies when i sold up)
So the plan is to use a slabslide engine i kept its a snug fit but everything lines up & the chain run is excellent(£14k km on it) i have all the electrics ect.Also will use a gsxr750m upside down front end & back wheel.
The frame chopping & bracing is done the engine is in,just need to modify the upper rear mounts & weld on the mount under the engine at the front its moved forwards about 3cm.
hopefully get the wheels painted this week & the frame blasted.
The frame & wheels will be silver metalflake with deep candy red over it for a deep sparkle