re. the race seat. The back (ie single race seat part, with "hump" -well, flat tail a la 90's race seat) is a bit ugly to be honest. It alwayls looks to me to be quite fat and lardy compared to the rather more narrow and shapely zzr1100 dualseat which I have on mine.
However, I was thinking you could take a mould and use the front part if you wish...? It blends nicely with the tank (which always looks quite "high" to me otherwise. You know, it has a funny horizontal "cut out"...
The race seat is made for the skorp, and the front blends nicely with the tank and frame. Good for reference I suppose...
Let me know if you wanted to borrow it. Its not going anywhere in the forseeable future... I could always post it to you, but it would be a PITA, but I suppose not horrifically expansive as its relatively light.
Out of interest does your skorpion run an air box ?. If not what filters and jets are you using ?
No airbox. Conical filters (K&N-alikes) onto the carbs. Dynojet kit in the carbs. (I think that comprises a jet for one carb and a drill for the jet in the other carb!). Standard valves and cam I think. renegade end can. Hi comp piston of standard size. Flowed and ported head by slipstream. Old pics of filters on this site I think. It is still running that set up.
I alsways found the standard airbox enormous and ugly. You'll have to make a bracket to hold the battery tho if you ditch the airbox... No great shakes for a man of your talent I am sure.