Author Topic: Yorkshire Dales and Moors  (Read 1089 times)


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Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« on: August 20, 2018, 08:39:36 AM »
Very last minute, but the full contingent of the NI section of the TC are going to Hawes this week, from Tuesday to Friday. So that's Rossco500, RonXBR, Chris, and Peter. Three XBRs and a MZ Silver Star,(my old one). As an ex pat NI member, i too will be attending, but just from Wed to Fri, and on the Tenere.
The fellas are all staying B&B at the Fountain in Hawes, whereas I will be slumming it at the campsite just outside the town.
Any of you are welcome to attend even just for a ride out  :)


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2018, 11:13:03 AM »
If only this was in September rather than August, I'd be in. As it is, it clashes with what will hopefully be my last two full time weeks at work, if all goes to plan. Bummer  :(

Hope you all have a great time though, and may the weather gods smile on you all. It's a lovely area for riding.  ;D
2023 Royal Enfield Meteor 350
2021 Honda CB125F


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2018, 11:05:31 AM »
Come and meet us in the Yorkshire Dales they said. So I set of on boring roads north, A49 and M6. North of Manchester the drizzle starts, but not too bad. I turn off for the Dales at Lancaster, and it completely empties, plus low cloud. Realise i have forgotten my clip on visor, so visibility is zero, and rather frightening! When I get to Hawes, I am certainly refreshed and my face has had a better exfoliation treatment than most high end spas could offer! Sod the camping says I, and book into the empty YHA, where for the princely some of £12 I have a bed and bedding in a seven bed dorm, but i'm the only one in there.
Headed out for a few pints and some grub with the lads when they get back from their ride out. Apparently all roads lead to Pately Bridge!  ;)
Back at the YHA i find out that a close friend has ended up in A&E in Wolverhampton with a broken ankle following a running accident. See, I told you exercise was bad for you! So first thing, next day, its a sprint back down the boring M6 and A49. literally a flying visit to the Dales! Though my 7am run across from Hawes to Ingleton on dry empty roads was a belter. I definitely made use of the full width of the road!  :D


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2018, 12:10:55 PM »
Blimey, sounds like a hectic and eventful couple of days Timbo, I hope your mate is OK.
2023 Royal Enfield Meteor 350
2021 Honda CB125F


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2018, 07:27:32 PM »
Ah...the hawes to ingleton road (via the ribblehead viaduct? ) a road I/we know well Tim. Cracking stretch of tarmac, used to go up (and down) it at unspeakable speeds a few years back. Then it somehow became a little to "popular" just got to be pretty careful nowadays as there are unmarked police bikes on there. Glad to hear you had a nice dry run.
Ps... hope ya pal is recovering ok 👍
Cheers, Michael


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2018, 06:06:13 AM »
Heck of a round trip. Hope you had some o them troozers like Bill has. Decent bit o cloth them (ask Bill about that particular joke).

Hope your friend is on the mend.
BEIGE is all the rage


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2018, 11:47:52 PM »
Well folks, there follows a belated summary of our trip to "God's Own County"

We had originally planned to do this trip on our "moderns", but as it wasn't too far and the prospect of a decent(ish!) forecast meant we dusted down our Thumpers (literally in Peter's case). We arrived at the ferry terminal in Belfast - 3 of us on XBRs and Ronnie on his current (August) mount, an MZ Silver Star whose front left indicator was suffering from an "erectile dysfunction", soon sorted with my magic tape (appropriately named as it did a disappearing trick into someone's pocket for the duration of the trip!). We made our way to our hotel in Hawes via the Newton Stewart to New Galloway road (a favourite), Dumfries, Brampton, Alston (and a pint of Pennine Ale), Middleton-on-Teesdale and Kirkby Stephen.

Wednesday saw us on a 100 mile circuit of the dales on a dampish day - at least the rain was warm, unlike the shower in Pete and Chris's room. Stopped in Malham for a cup of tea and a "traybake" when we noticed that Ronnie's right rear indicator stalk had decided that it too had had enough after 23 years (shabby!) - another temporary repair required using somebody else's tape. After that, we spent several hours approaching Pateley Bridge from 3 different directions, due to some interesting diversions, and I suspect some joker twisting signs around - that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Meanwhile, Timbo had arrived at the Youth Hostel in Hawes after an eventful journey from a sunny Bridgnorth to a rather damp Yorkshire, forgetting his visor into the bargain. He settled down to read his book, then after a few hours (10 minutes probably) he decided to go to the pub instead where in the name of research, he discovered that there were very few local beers stronger than 4% - Bridgnorth has spoiled the lad! An enjoyable evening followed where following a fine meal the topic of conversation revolved around B****y Pateley Bridge!

On Thursday morning we awoke to the sound of an unsilenced Honda Domi as Tim unexpectedly had to head back to Bridgnorth. Decided that we'd explore the North Yorkshire Moors area via Helmsley (£1.70 to park a motorcycle in the square for an hour!!) and visit a small motor museum in Thornton le Dale - well worth a visit as they are also a classic vehicle auctioneers and so their displays are constantly changing. After this we dipped into the Moors and climbed up Rosedale Chimney Bank, probably in 1st gear! Stopped in Hutton-le-hole for some refreshment and the usual slagging then realised we still had a long run ahead of us back to Hawes. During the day we also called into a fairly major bike dealers in Thirsk to look at shiny stuff that none of us could afford - except Ronnie of course - I think they had 7 of the new Nortons on display. A long day on the bikes meant we didn't arrive back in the hotel til 9pm, so just time for a quick scrub and a few jars of Yorkshire's finest.

Friday saw us heading home and despite a ropey forecast we probably only had an hour of rain. Had our usual tea and tray bake stops on the way - got the 7.30 boat and back home for 10.30pm just in time for a long relaxing Bank Holiday weekend. Another enjoyable trip - until the next one.

A couple of photos from Rosedale Chimney bank and the Hotel Car Park



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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2018, 07:28:29 PM »
Well, another trip done and dusted. Pateley Bridge was so nice we visited three times,all inside an hour. One of the highlights was going to the Black Sheep Brewery. Chris wanted a T shirt from the shop, but they didn't have his size. Small shoulders, Medium chest and Large belly. Good food, the odd pint and "interesting" roads. All in all, not a bad effort. Next time I plan to go with nice folk, and someone with Satnav.



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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2018, 08:53:37 PM »
Satnav...Did I read that correctly....half the joy and defo fun with the Yorkshire dales is exploring and kindda getting a little lost😁😁. Let's face it one could do a lot worse than getting lost in the Yorkshire dales, especially when one is on a bike. We (myself n big bro) are lucky enough to be right on the doorstep of the Yorkshire dales so know them fairly well and have ridden those roads for years. We meet up regularly at patley bridge on a Sunday morning.  Anyway it does sound like you fellows had a cracking time and hopefully venture back over at some point.....armed with a map NOT a satnav 😁😁😁👍
Cheers, Michael


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2018, 09:04:48 PM »
Haha, great stuff those Thumpeteer travel stories  ;D

Be careful what you wish for Ronnie or next time you may end up travelling with just Satnav ;D ! And you will have to bring your own tape!



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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2018, 09:15:20 PM »
Reference to Satnav was tongue in cheek. I was using my 2011 Philip's Road Atlas, with neatly cut out pages in polypockets. Tony's map book is even older. I don't think either of us would even know how to switch a Satnav on.



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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2018, 09:23:22 PM »
Now that's the the way I enjoyed looking at the photos, not that often ya see a gaggle of XBR 's. 👍👍😁.
I think Ian (smithy) is heading up to our neck of the woods this weekend, so hopefully we can show him some of the lovely Yorkshire dales roads. Possibly even the odd drinking establishment, clearly by that I mean cafes for tea and cake officer 👮
Cheers, Michael


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Re: Yorkshire Dales and Moors
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2018, 08:47:30 AM »
Great report on the trip fellas. But would whoever stole Rosscos tape please return it, as he hasnt been the same since!  ;D