I concur. Fantastic weekend, and the weather held out for us. Twenty seven peeps altogether, and everyone won a prize! Notable ones being Chris, for being overtaken uphill by two cyclists, and Mart for going off road unintentionally, following a group of trail riders! The rally was in memory of Boyd, and I think we did him proud. We even reintroduced the formal dress code for dinner, ie, a silly hat of your own making preferably.
Steve D ran a great ride out on the Saturday, which some of us extended on to the Neuad Arms Hotel, in Llanyrtryd Wells, the smallest town in Britain, home of the World Bog Snorkelling Championships, and HQ of the Monster Raving Looney Party!
At the minute, two of the NI party are on the ferry back to Ireland, and one is visiting his mother in Mablethorpe!
Next year, the current view is to have it back at Condor Farm, in Dent. Always a favourite venue for the TC.
Thanks to all those who made the effort to attend, and hopefully see some of you at the next event