Placing hand on latest copy of MCN....."In the presence of Moto63 and members of Thumper Club, I hereby solemnly swear to apply Autosol by toothbrush to Mikuni TM 41 Pro-Series Flatslide Carburettor, so help me, Joey Dunlop" - that do ya?

Got the choke and top adjuster bits coming, so just need the right cable length and to see whether I can avoid having to make one up or not - it'll come down to price, probably.
Anyway, since I'm keeping the battery, I got some 1.5mm steel sheet and had a go at folding up a box for it

Got away with the folding, but welding the sides up was a different matter and reminded me of the saying I read a lot on welding sites, "Grinder and paint make me the welder I ain't"!